Cell 1B (MSW) Design and Construction
Western Regional Landfill Inc. | Kindersley, SK
Exciting news – Western Regional Landfill Inc. (WRLI) has a beautiful new cell and the airspace required to meet their communities’ needs! With tight timelines for 2020 construction, we were thrilled to be selected as a partner on this project. Journey joined forces with Willows Construction and Western Tank & Lining to put this design-build landfill cell into service. We worked closely with the Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment to satisfy all regulatory requirements and get in place the necessary permits to meet our client-partner’s construction timeline.
When cost certainty and a guaranteed product are priorities, a design-build project with the right partner firms is the solution!
Like many projects, unexpected challenges were encountered during construction. One challenge that was discovered on this landfill cell expansion was the geosynthetics tie-in location to the existing landfill cell was not in the anticipated condition. With rapid communication and a collaborative approach with our client-partner, WRLI, a solution was quickly established with minimal delay to the project. The project was a success for the design-build team as well as our client-partner. Delivering on our unwavering promise to ‘Partner with the Client to build an asset that works’ provided WRLI with much-needed landfill airspace to meet their own communities’ needs.