by | Apr 3, 2024

Team Profile: Matthew Brière

Without further ado – we’d like to welcome Matthew Brière, C.E.T. officially as Mechanical Designer to the Journey Engineering Corporation team! Matt should be familiar to some, having worked on various Journey projects since last October. Since then, he has taken on the role of Design Manager for Vermilion Energy’s Mica Water Hub, role of Design Lead for Wheat Land Energy Solution’s Wellpad, integrated Greenfire Resources’ piping specifications into CADWorx, and more. Not to mention – he has traveled with the team to the Lethbridge Polytechnic Career Fair to help us scout out and #mentor the next junior hires!


Taking a deeper dive into Matt’s #technical experience – he completed the Architectural Technician program at Loyalist College in Ontario and has worked on various industrial mechanical and piping systems over the last 17 years. Including both #greenfield and #brownfield sites, he has worked on chemical processing plants, aluminum smelting facilities, pyrolysis research and development, brine water injection, measurement systems for various fluid properties, heavy oil blending systems, oil analysis systems, short pipelines (less than 5 km) complete with pig sender and receiver stations, oil pipeline pump systems, brine water hubs, etc. He’s had the pleasure of working with clients such as: Spur Petroleum Ltd., Inter Pipeline, Pembina Pipeline Corporation, Tundra Process Solutions, Tervita Corporation (now SECURE ENERGY), Tidewater Midstream and Infrastructure, Vermilion Energy, Greenfire Resources, and The University of British Columbia.


Getting to know Matt a little better, he is indeed fairly laid back and always enjoys a good laugh and spending time with friends and family. He also finds time for video games, rock climbing, hiking, golfing, home renovations, and #volunteering with #mentalhealth programs as that disease has affected his family directly. Being naturally inquisitive, he has always been fascinated with both modern and ancient customs of different #cultures – understanding what shaped their societies and what decisions they took that either allowed them to thrive (or resulted in their demise!). Another keen interest is in the latest #technologies, both current implementations and theoretical considerations.


We’d like to wrap up Matt’s bio with this personal musing, “My father was a great source of #inspiration for me; everything he did was with a #purpose. When he started a task, it was never done in half-measures. Whether he needed to learn something new to achieve it or it simply required greater #effort, what needed to be done got done. And through all this, he still found time for his family, ensuring he was there for every big #moment: sports, graduation, renovating my home, helping me move out west, and everything in-between.”


#growingourteam #journeyengineering